189: TWINPETESINVESTING PODCAST 135 Part 2: With a special guest, Warhammer expert & Games Workshop shareholder, Unilever, Gitlab Inc, Sylvania Platinum, Rio Tinto, BHP, Glencore, Anglo American, Nvid
PLEASE NOTE This is TwinPetesInvesting Podcast 135 PART 2. The topics, stocks and shares mentions / discussed include: With special guest, Warhammer / Games Workshop expert & shareholder, Private investor: Matthew Gregory @MathewGregory5 on Twitter/X The history of #WarHammer & Investing in #GamesWorkshop Investing lessons & learnings Unilever / ULVR Sylvania Platinum / SLP Rio Tinto / RIO BHP Group / BHP Glencore / GLEN Anglo American / AAL Nvidia / #NVDA / #Gaming / #Ai Atlantic Lithium / ALL Gitlab Inc / GTLB Iron Ore/ Copper / Mining / Electrification Investing watchlist Dividend yields / Dividends REITS / Real Estate Investment Trusts Volatility Psychology Charity Sharescope / Sharepad special discount offer code https://www.sharescope.co.uk/landing_sharepad.jsp : TwinPetes Henry Viola-Heir’s blog https://theethicalentrepreneur.com/ Investors’ Chronicle sponsor https://www.investorschronicle.co.uk/product-matrix?pageSource=header-cta&referer=cta the TwinPetesInvesting Challenge Harriman House books sponsor https://harriman.house/ the TwinPetesInvesting Challenge Powder Monkey Brewing Co All Products https://powdermonkeybrewing.com/collections/all-products 10% discount code : TWINPETES CENTREPOINT Charity Appeal please make a donation on the TwinPetes Investing Charity Challenge 2024 https://www.justgiving.com/page/twinpeteschallenge24 Just Giving page Investing Books & more The Twin Petes Challenge 2024 / Charity fundraise is for the CENTREPOINT Charity. Have you enjoyed one or more of these podcasts. Yes . Then please make a donation , every pound will help. https://www.justgiving.com/page/twinpeteschallenge24