How to Find the Right Live Real Estate Investing Event?

As Zig Ziglar stated, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”  In this podcast I will talk about what to look for when attending live events: from local REIA meetings to networking events and meetups. How to determine which events are right for you and how to get the most out of them. I will also talk about real estate seminars. Real estate live seminars didn’t really come of age until the ’90s; Robert Allen, Russ Whitney and Dean Graziosi were the ‘grandfathers’ of these events. I think they all started with great intentions, providing guidance and worthwhile content, but over the years I watched them lose focus.  Good real estate mentors focus on one main thing, even at free live events, delivering valuable content.   

Om Podcasten

Join Laura Alamery for up to date information on what is working in real estate investing right now and how to keep up with the changes in the industry. You will get straight talk, true and tried practical experience from Laura herself and guest speakers' interviews who "walk the talk" in REI. We believe in paying it forward and sharing real knowledge from wholesaling, to fix and flip, and buy and hold. Plus little-known strategies and clever tips. Every episode is different, and a refreshing and honest outlook on this some time confusing environment of REI information overload.