225: Set Goals for 2024

INTRO:Hey, it’s Julie Zuzek and welcome to the Corporate Yogi podcast. How the heck are you? I am very excited to be back in action with the podcast for this special episode to kick off the new year. For you regular listeners you know I had to press pause on the podcast during my maternity leave and there were a number of personal things that took all my time and attention. I’m happy to report, I’m back in action, have a wealth of new content to share and will be publishing bi-weekly episodes going forward. And really, what better way to start a new year than starting back with fresh new energy and inspiration to share with you. I have to confess, I’ve missed the podcasting. My daughter is almost 2 years old now, and while I’ve enjoyed spending every single moment of being at home with her and transitioning her into daycare, I’ve really missed this time dedicated to curating my best ideas and content from clients into regular episodes for you. New episodes will be available every other Tuesday, on your usual podcasting platforms, the format will remain the same, and for those of you who are keeners and want the episode early, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter on my website where you’ll get access to that month’s episodes in advance.When it comes to goal setting you’re either in 1 of 2 camps. You are a firm believer like me of investing the time and energy to gain clarity around what you want, you drink the Kool-Aid so to speak and you don’t need any convincing at all about why this is important. And for those of you in the other camp, you’re somewhat skeptical about why you should invest the time to do all this work and you’re not quite sure how it will add value to your life. If you’re a member of camp Kool-Aid you’ll be happy to know that my 2024 Goal Setting Program is now live and available for download. It includes all the great features from before, but this year I’ve added in something NEW that will take your goal setting to the next level. I’ll share what that is in the last segment today. For those of you skeptics, I guarantee that by the end of this episode you will be inspired and ready to set goals for the new year and understand why this process is such a critical game changerSo here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today:1) First, we’ll talk about the biggest mistakes people make when goal setting2) In the 2nd segment I’ll explain why exactly it’s so important to set goals if you want to live a fulfilled life3) And in the 3rd segment I’ll share a somewhat vulnerable perspective on my top goal for 20244) and in the last segment I’ll explain the HOW of goal setting. I’ll walk you through my program, what makes it unique different and why it’s designed to deliver big results.So get out of your head and into your heart and let’s talk about goal setting.SEGMENT 1:I want to share with you now the biggest mistakes people make when setting goals. I see these mistakes all the time and want to make sure you avoid them.Mistake #1: They set too many goalsThey take a “more is better” approach and bite off more than they can chew. They take on too much instead of getting clear about what really matters. Think of the analogy of watering plants. If you only have one dedicated watering can, do you really want to split it across 100 different plants? If you do this, none of them will thrive, none will get the time and attention they really deserve to make it. A better approach is to be more selective and just pick 5 plants to water – 5 goals, this way you’ll ensure they get enough water, love and the right attention. When it comes to goals, more is not better, more is just more. Focus and alignment are key here – you need to pick things that will make you feel fulfilled. So that’s mistake #1 – setting too many goals.Mistake #2: Setting Should Goals or OPGs – Other people’s goals.This one might...

Om Podcasten

Designed for conscious leaders building extraordinary teams, the Corporate Yogi podcast spreads practical leadership advice fused with ancient spiritual wisdom. Julie is a mentor, a muse and visionary. You'll learn from her wisdom and be inspired by her authenticity. This podcast is the curation of lessons learned from Julie’s high-performance coaching clients. As a highly sought-after leadership coach, Julie works with leaders at major corporations including RBC, Deloitte, BMO, PwC, Facebook, Kellogg Schulich, Canadian Tire, Google, and Visa. She is a highly respected expert in the business community and believes that Monday morning should be more exciting than Friday afternoon. This podcast takes a fresh approach to leadership development – it’s not your typical HBR or Ivy league philosophical approach. It leads with an angle of personal development, personal leadership, Business transformational, and team leadership, infused with many personal stories that are cheeky, relevant, and fun. Julie is dedicated to building workplace cultures that employees actually brag about and helps clients with Leadership Excellence, Career Planning, Transition, Self-Reflection, Personal Development, Personal Brand Building, Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies. In this podcast you will learn about Julie’s proprietary system called the Inner Design Method which helps you understand WHO you really are and WHAT you truly want. This powerful, intensive method uses personal development and reflection tools to unlock deep levels of awareness and personal connection. Topics within the method include discovery of Core Values, defining a Life Purpose Statement, Life Design Process (Reflect, Future and Present), Relationship Design Tools, Change Design Tools, the Belief Design Process, Identifying Key Saboteurs and their Core Messages, Trust Model and Team Theory, Growth Mindset Model and Leadership Legacy. Popular topics from the podcast focus on growth mindset Vs fixed mindset, nurturing a Growth Hangover, living within a Comfort Zone Vs a Stretch Zone, how to build a Personal Leadership Brand and get comfortable with self-promotion. You’ll also discover what your Leadership Blind spots are, establish your Leadership Legacy and build trust with your team and understand how the trust model works. You’ll learn how to avoid the biggest hiring mistakes and tools to get out of the weeds and give away your LEGO. Other leadership tools include creating a Designed Alliance and designing a team offsite to use these Peak Experiences with your team to champion change and build trust with your team and use different models for change adoption. Understanding how to work with introverts and extraverts on your team, and the benefits of infusing coaching skills and techniques into your leadership by asking powerful questions and leverage Emotional Intelligence, IQ, PQ and EQ. Other great leadership topics include receiving feedback via a 360 Review report, giving effective and timely feedback, saying NO and setting boundaries and avoiding areas of self-sabotage like Imposter Syndrome, the Spotlight Effect and Pedestal Complex. The podcast also features valuable lessons from relevant books and authors like Gay Hendricks, Simon Sinek, Seth Godin, Susan Scott, Brene Brown, Gary Keller, Brian Tracy, and of course classic books like Good to Great from Jim Collins and How to Win Friends and Influence People from Dale Carnegie.