Today we want to introduce you to our remarkable senior advisor Dr. Ernest C. H. NG, and his exceptional path in life.  In his early career, Dr. Ernest C. H. NG was one of the top performers in the financial markets where he also functioned as the Vice President of Morgan Stanley Asia. After 15 years in the financial Industry, Ernest went back to university part-time to study and research Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Economics. His book „Introduction to Buddhist Economics“ is a pioneering effort to introduce Buddhist Economics systemically.  Today Dr. Ernest C. H. NG is the Chief Executive Officer of a Buddhist NGO and a Buddhist scholar. He dedicated his life to developing the young generation and future leaders, serving as a mentor for various universities, and advising organizations such as the Sustainable Finance Initiative in Hong Kong.  In our podcast conversation, Ernest tells how his interest in Buddhist Economics arose and combined classical economics with Buddhist values. Why he gave up his career in the financial industry, how companies can do good and well, and what his vision for the future of business looks like. So sit back, relax and enjoy a wonderful new episode on the Conscious Consulting Podcast. If you want to dive deeper into the field of Conscious Consulting visit ccg-group.eu, subscribe to our newsletter so we can stay connected and join our Community meetup Conscious Conversation here: ccg.podia.com

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The Conscious Consulting Podcast introduces you to a new consulting philosophy. Together with our Senior Advisors, we introduce you to the field of Conscious Consulting, based on deep deep spiritual practices, wisdom-traditions as Buddhism, Taoism, and Holism. In this podcast you will get insights, how you can transform wisdom into impact: by integrating wisdom from science, ancient traditions, conscious business, leadership, and technology into your daily life as a leader, consultant, or entrepreneur.Join our CCG Community, the home of conscious advisors, trainers, leaders, young and accomplished entrepreneurs, teachers, and everyone interested in expanding and deepening awareness and level of consciousness.Here you can dive deeper into the world of Conscious Consulting: www.ccg-group.eu