Kim Nataraja on Dancing with your Shadow Part 2: The way of meditation

In this second talk of the series Who do You think You are?, Kim Nataraja guides us into a broader understanding of the way of meditation and the distinction between the ego and the true self. She takes a deeper exploration into the process of self-discovery that we find in meditation. Kim gives us some other perspectives on what this process is like and how we can describe it in neurological terms. This is part of the Contemplative Through The Crisis programme held in April 2020. Kim Nataraja in conversation with Laurence Freeman on her book Dancing with Your Shadow and the connection with the current pandemic crisis. Kim uses her book as a way of helping people to make sense of this experience of the crisis we’re passing through and the importance of a spiritual path that we can follow, or deepen through this time of uncertainty and suffering. Kim will walk us through meditation and the essential role it plays in the time we live in at the moment.

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