The Animated Meditator: An interview with Paul Demeyer
Paul was born in Belgium and moved to California to work with the film industry. He has an interesting journey, with meditation playing a fundamental part of it. Know more about that watching this conversation. Many people, including many Christians, think that meditation is only found in Buddhism or Hinduism. Meditation belongs to the Christian tradition too as the prayer of the heart, where we let go of all thoughts and words. Jesus says ‘Go to your inner room, close the door and be there in the presence of God”. The early Christian fathers and mothers thought us to guard the heart from negativity and emotion and do this by laying aside all thoughts. Meditation is not what you may think: we enter into the inner room. The essential human journey: Day by day we find deeper stillness, silence and simplicity that begins to transform our minds, our feelings and daily life all for the better. If you’re serious about finding peace, be serious about learning how to meditate.