Four Options to Increase Your Survival (483)

During these trying times I think the best strategy is to create as many life options for yourself and your family as possible. In this episode, I talk about the four different options you have to increase your survival - audience, money, place and health.  ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.

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Content Inc. is for entrepreneurs and startups who want to be big - not by creating and selling more products and services - but by developing a loyal audience through remarkable content. Podcast creator Joe Pulizzi, known as the "godfather of content marketing," believes that most small businesses and startups are going to market in the wrong way. Instead of leading first with product, Joe believes entrepreneurs should be building audiences...then they can sell whatever they want. Each podcast contains one inspirational idea that can change your business - all in less than 10 minutes per episode.