Success in 2024 [Do These Nine Things] (426)

Let's make 2024 truly incredible (for you and for others) by doing these nine critical activities. 1. Decide On Your Goals I’ve talked many times on this podcast about Warren Buffett’s 25/5 goal-setting strategy. It works. It also gets your priorities straight and helps you FOCUS. 2. Review Your Goals Every Morning Part of my personal success formula is writing down and then reviewing what I want to accomplish every morning of every day. Seriously…just take five minutes out of every day and it will change your stars. 3. Donate Something Every Day We all have too much stuff. Let’s change that in 2024. Let’s start de-cluttering now and then, every day, donating one thing to charity (some place like Goodwill or your church). We know a couple of senior citizens who are doing that right now. I am amazed how purging old things can free up the mind and the spirit. It’s like a weight being lifted. 4. Track Your Habits If you complete your goals, you’ll start to identify habits. Do you have a health goal in 2024? Then you probably have an exercise, running or eating habit you are determined to learn. Use an app like HabitBull to keep track of your habits, and it will remind you when you need a kick in the pants. 5. Set a Book Goal The most curious and interesting people I know read A LOT of books. I have a prejudice against people that do not read on a regular basis (sorry). Goodreads is a fantastic place to set your reading goal for 2024 (and be sure to mix up a little fiction with nonfiction). If you need a Goodreads friend just follow me here. 6. Recurring Expenses Cut A few years ago, my wife and I went through our recurring expenses (like Netflix and news subscriptions) and we were shocked by the results. At the end of the process, we ended up cancelling quite a few services we really didn’t need. This ended up saving us well over $200 (so we could buy more beer). 7. Password Maintenance I have believed for quite some time that the biggest threat to our personal financial existence is someone hacking into our accounts. Protect yourself by using a service such as Dashlane to create super strong passwords (and ones that you don’t have to remember). 8. Update Your Will or Trust My wife and I just updated our will. We do so every year. This year, since the kids are 20 and 22, we shared our plans with them. You’d be surprised how things change in just a short time. If you have a will or trust, get it updated. If you don’t, get one pronto. You'll sleep better at night. 9. Time to Update Your Financials 2023 has been another crazy year for investing. The Dow is up 10 percent this year. The NASDAQ is up 40 percent and Bitcoin is up 150 percent. All this means that your financial allocations are probably out of whack and you need to re-diversify. You may want to do this before the end of the year depending on your tax situation. When you do this, pick allocations that help you sleep at night. Don’t do anything that will make you want to check your stocks every day. Here’s Orangeletter #115 where I talk about the 10 things you need to do with your finances today. And, if you didn’t already receive it, here’s a PDF of my perfect investment strategy. ------ This episode is sponsored by Lulu.comBooks are among the top 3 most profitable and most utilized tactics to monetize content.Turning your content into a printed book with Lulu has never been easier. Create a free account today at to get started. ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.

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Content Inc. is for entrepreneurs and startups who want to be big - not by creating and selling more products and services - but by developing a loyal audience through remarkable content. Podcast creator Joe Pulizzi, known as the "godfather of content marketing," believes that most small businesses and startups are going to market in the wrong way. Instead of leading first with product, Joe believes entrepreneurs should be building audiences...then they can sell whatever they want. Each podcast contains one inspirational idea that can change your business - all in less than 10 minutes per episode.