Your Content Project Failed. Here's How to Deal with It (386)
Fight as we may, sometimes you fail. It just happens and often we don't have all the answers to why. But could your failure be an opportunity? Perhaps. Here's two ways to look at your content creation failure that, hopefully, will make you joyous instead of deflated. This episode is sponsored by Think about the most respected and trustworthy leaders in your industry. I bet they’ve published a book. Whether you already have content prepared or you’re starting from scratch, getting your expertise into a printed book with Lulu has never been easier and more profitable. Lulu’s ecommerce plugins allow you to sell directly to your fans from your site, while they handle all the printing and shipping. You keep creative control, customer data, and 100% of your profits. Create a free account today at to get started. ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive the first chapter of my new book for free.