A Conversation With Christianne Risman

Christianne Risman aka Backpacking Bananas is pretty much a professional backpacker at this stage, she goes all around the world on adventures and shares those on YouTube along with tips and tricks and breakdowns on what to expect and how to plan when travelling. Today I had her onto the podcast to talk all things travel, British hilarities, cancel culture and a little bit about relationships! Christi is one of the most joyful humans I know and is such a delight to talk to, she's got such an amazing YouTube channel which I know you'll love: https://www.youtube.com/backpackingbananas (https://www.youtube.com/backpackingbanana)s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christiannerisman/ (https://www.instagram.com/christiannerisman/)

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Conversation Time a podcast with real people talking about the highs and the rock, bottom lows of life. Relationships, money, toilet dramas - no topic is too taboo. Navigating our way through life one hurdle at a time. You can follow me on Instagram @hayleymorris3 and also find me on YouTube: www.youtube.com/hayleygeorgiaMorris