Bonus Q&A with Coleman Hughes
Welcome to another episode of conversations with Coleman. For my members who have signed up via my website, I'm pleased to announce that transcripts are now available for Season One of Conversations with Coleman. For those of you who haven't signed up via my website, I'd recommend making the switch so you can claim these amazing benefits via Today's episode is a recording of a live Q&A that I did a few months ago. I talked about how to have difficult conversations, what anti-racist books I'd recommend for children, the consequences of identity politics, blackness as an identity, the overuse of racism, cultural diversity and its relationship to racial disparity, and several other topics. I'll be doing another Q&A soon. If you're a supporter of the show, this time, you'll be able to submit questions directly to me through text message. You will be able to find that function at For those of you who are considering joining our community, sign up at Stay tuned, for more updates! #Ad Brilliant is a website and app that teaches you how to think and solve problems with fun, interactive lessons in STEM. With Brilliant's hands-on approach, you'll learn by doing instead of listening to lectures. It’s a better and more fun way to learn. All of Brilliant's courses have storytelling, code-writing, interactive challenges, and problems to solve. Brilliant offers many well-curated sequences of problems that help you to master all sorts of technical subjects and achieve your goals in STEM. To check out the many courses available and find the one that’s right for you, you can go to and sign up for free. The first 200 people that go to this link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription. #ColemanHughes #ConversationswithColeman #CwC #DifficultConversations #Antiracist #Books #Children #IdentityPolitics #Blackness #Identity #Racism #CulturalDiversity #RacialDisparity