The Erosion of Women's Rights with Ayaan Hirsi Ali [S2 Ep.23]
Welcome to another episode of Conversations with Coleman. My guest today probably needs no introduction. Today I'm talking to Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ayaan is a Writer, Activist, and former Politician. She is also a New York Times best-selling author. If you haven't read her memoirs, Infidel and Nomad, then you've missed out on one of the most beautiful story arcs that I've ever encountered. Her new book is called Prey: Immigration, Islam and the Erosion of Women's Rights. Her thesis is that the wave of migration from Muslim majority countries into Europe has caused an increase in Sexual Violence towards women in receiving countries. This is an uncomfortable topic, but an important one nonetheless. And there's no one better to discuss it with Ayaan. Unfortunately, I was not able to get Ayaan on video so this will be an audio-only episode. #Ad Ground News is a news comparison platform, empowering readers to see how sources with different underlying biases are covering a story and form a balanced view of the day’s most important news. The platform itself is apolitical. It’s for anyone who’s not afraid of having their opinions challenged, and open to seeing multiple perspectives on controversial issues. Their Blindspot feature enables you to check your news blindspot, and see stories that aren’t being reported by one side of the political spectrum, that you would otherwise miss in your bubble. So if you're trying to be an informed consumer of the news, I could not recommend Ground news more. You can check out this platform via or you can directly download the app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. ConversationswithColeman #CwC #AyaanHirsiAli #ColemanHughes #M e t o o #Immigration #Men #Prey #Abuse #Sexualharassment #Muslim