Finishing Strong

Are you prepared to finish strong? It could be your year, it could be your season, it could be your life — no matter what you are finishing, you want to finish the best you possibly can. The Apostle Paul said it best when he said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith,” (2 Timothy 4:7). As followers of Christ, we all want to finish well — but how? That’s what we’re unpacking on this week’s episode of Conversations. Tune in and get equipped to finish this season, and every season, well. Don’t let the end of this year just pass you by. Choose to finish strong! Also, you can find more free teaching from John and Lisa on the MessengerX app — download the app today (here: at no cost to you!

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Through this podcast, John and Lisa Bevere hope to challenge and prepare you for a successful life in Christ. For more information or to contact us visit our website at