Sacred Flames. The origin, who created them and how to work with them.
In this episode we want to introduce you to the concept of Sacred Flames. You will learn about their origin, how Source used these flames to create this physical and metaphysical (light bodies, other realities, etc.) reality.You will also learn that everything in this world is created by these flames. The Flames are the frequencies that are signified by color.We will talk about different colors and you will learn that there are 7 major flames and the total number of flames and their facets is unlimited.Please enjoy!***If you enjoyed the podcast, would you please consider living a short review on Apple Podcasts? It will help us to spread the word and bring more light to this world.You can also help us with upcoming episodes. Leave a review and ask a question; this question can become a topic for our next episode. We encourage you to think about a question that can be important for as big audience as possible.***Follow us:Facebook: