169: From Criminology Studies to Sales, Hannah Ajikawo, Revenue Funnel

Hannah and I had a rousing conversation about all things sales. Hannah is founder of Revenue Funnel and is based in London. She and I talked about many topics - including:  A Conversation with Hannah Ajikawo - Journey from Sales to CEO and Founder of Revenue Funnel In this episode, Hannah Ajikawo, CEO and Founder of Revenue Funnel, discusses her journey through experiences in Sales to forming her company. Raised in inner-city areas heavily influenced by crime, Hannah obtained a degree in Criminology and Social Policy before finding her way into Sales. She discusses her experiences working across various companies, and how her curiosity about the functioning of companies led her to setup her own business. Hannah also talks about the importance of networking and continuous learning for success in Sales. She advocates for keeping focus on improving specific areas based on individual needs. Furthermore, she emphasizes the critical role Sales plays in personal development, stepping into power, and generating wealth. 00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation 00:38 Hannah's Journey into Sales 01:01 Transition from Academia to Sales 02:24 Challenges and Triumphs in Sales 05:42 Personal Struggles and Career Progression 09:32 The Shift to Consulting 10:34 The Importance of Authenticity 12:24 Advice for Job Seekers 18:09 Hannah's Involvement in Sistas in Sales 21:32 Recommendations for Aspiring Salespeople 28:32 Conclusion and Contact Information   Reach Hannah on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannah-ajikawo/   Reach Lori Richardson and Women Sales Pros on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/scoremoresales/

Om Podcasten

Conversations with Women in Sales is a top podcast hosted by Lori Richardson. Every episode features a woman in sales who is doing incredible work, or an interview with a male ally, or conversation on a related topic. For the past 100+ episodes, guests share practical advice for advancing one's sales career. The podcast is dedicated to the memory of Barbara Giamanco, who founded CWWIS in 2018. Each episode features topics like: leadership, career management, dealing with imposter syndrome, overcoming adversity, sales and marketing alignment, B2B sales, strategic partnerships, building confidence, content creation and promotion, social media, building inclusive sales teams, and more.