Episode 188: Late from Brooklyn

Dave Arnold is back for a short show this week to answer listener questions including fungal Chitosan clarification, alcoholic Pacojet sorbets, and chopping candied rose petals. Later on Dave discusses the best techniques for searing with the Searzall (Searzall Searzall) and explains the science behind eutectic freezing. This program was brought to you by Fairway Market.

Om Podcasten

Dave Arnold, chef and inventor, answers listener questions on the latest innovative techniques, equipment, and ingredients in the food world. Each week on Cooking Issues, Dave solves your cooking dilemmas with his mile-a-minute stream of knowledge. Got a question on ike-jime, the Japanese fish killing technique? We got you covered. Hydrocolloids, sous-vide, liquid nitrogen? No problem. Have a question about pimping your oven to make great pizza? Give us a call. Occasionally Dave will invite special guest chefs, bartenders, authors and columnists to join the show.