Episode 193: The Holiday Show

Dave and Nastassia are back this week to take caller questions on a range of topics including french fry infusion, freezing liquor, and cooking lamb hearts. Dave goes in-depth on low-temp cooling curves and explains the technique for milkwashing vodka in a home kitchen. Later on, Dave answers a caller question on how to make large-format party drinks using a circulator and dry ice. Tune in! The cheapest way to do large quantities of vacuum infusion is to get an HVAC type vacuum pump for around $100 off of eBay and hook it up to a piece of acrylic placed on top of a bain-marie It is very difficult to freeze things with dry ice because dry ice is not a liquid so you cant get complete submersion of your herbs in the freezing medium Dave Arnold on Cooking Issues The best parts of a chicken are definitely the skins and the hearts --Dave Arnold on Cooking Issues

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Dave Arnold, chef and inventor, answers listener questions on the latest innovative techniques, equipment, and ingredients in the food world. Each week on Cooking Issues, Dave solves your cooking dilemmas with his mile-a-minute stream of knowledge. Got a question on ike-jime, the Japanese fish killing technique? We got you covered. Hydrocolloids, sous-vide, liquid nitrogen? No problem. Have a question about pimping your oven to make great pizza? Give us a call. Occasionally Dave will invite special guest chefs, bartenders, authors and columnists to join the show.