#18: A 54M with diarrhea: Hoofbeats segment

Dissect an interesting case and think about the way clinicians think! Many clinical reasoning pearls here: * Part one of case (0:56) * Cognitive ease and strain (03:51) * Metacognition and routine diagnostic timeout (08:15) * Think outside the box of organ systems (11:19) * Illness behavior (12:30) * Part two of case (14:06) * Algorithms (17:57) * Fast thinking & pattern recognition (19:30) * Slow thinking & analytical reasoning (21:31) * Diagnosis (25:15) * Takeaways (26:52) For full show notes: https://www.coreimpodcast.com/2018/06/27/hoofbeats-54m-with-diarrhea/ (https://www.coreimpodcast.com/2018/06/27/hoofbeats-54m-with-diarrhea/)

Om Podcasten

Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges