#47 Stories of Women in Medicine

We hope these stories can make us more introspective and open minded on how these concepts can affect each one of us differently. Let's continue the discussion on the Women in Medicine (https://twitter.com/womeninmedchat)Twitter chat on 8/25 at 9pm EST ! Full Transcript and Show Notes (https://www.coreimpodcast.com/2019/08/21/stories-of-women-in-medicine/) Time Stamps * 2:07 Introduction to one woman’s journey * 3:00  Stereotype Threat * 6:15 Not all Anger is Created Equal * 10:17 Asking and Writing Your Own Job Description * 13:08 Imposter Syndrome * 15:50 Breaking Points to Self Care * 18:50 Work Life Integration * 21:40 Support Networks

Om Podcasten

Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges