#76 COVID Management Update

How can we feel more comfortable in treating these patients? What treatment options do we now have in our toolbox to fight COVID-19? How has the landscape changed in what we can offer patients? Show notes, Transcript and References: https://www.coreimpodcast.com/2020/09/30/covid-management/ Get CME-MOC credit with ACP: https://www.acponline.org/cme-moc/cme/internal-medicine-podcasts/core-im ( https://www.acponline.org/cme-moc/cme/internal-medicine-podcasts/core-im) Time stamps * 04:16 Supportive Care * 07:48 Step-up approach to oxygenation * 13:44 Data Points * 15:30 Clots * 19:13 Steroid use Tags: IM Core, CoreIM, oxygenation, proning, anticoagulation

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