#77 Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): At the Bedside Segment

What leads patients to search for alternative treatments than those offered in Western Medicine? How can we provide patients with safer complimentary interventions? How do we prioritize what is important in our patients health? Show notes, Transcript and References: https://www.coreimpodcast.com/2020/10/15/approach-to-patients-with-cam-beliefs/ (https://www.coreimpodcast.com/2020/10/15/approach-to-patients-with-cam-beliefs/) Time stamps: * 01:49 Intro * 04:54 What is CAM * 06:29 Prevalence of CAM * 08:01 Holistic approach to patient care * 11:09 Patient empowerment * 14:38 Integrating CAM * 18:34 Risks and Benefits * 19:50 Caution patients * 22:29 Indirect Risk * 23:45 Big Picture * 26:04 Therapeutic Alliance * 27:27 Conclusion Tags: IM Core, CoreIM, supplements, homeopathic, naturopathic, Ayurvedic medicine, mind-body interventions, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic manipulation, qi gong and Reiki

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Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges