Human Design with Lara Enders: Human Design Basics & Crystals

"The really great thing is that we do all have very natural intuitive abilities. As you go along, in your own way, things will unfold and you can start to trust your innate intuitive abilities." - Lara Enders On this episode of Highly Spiritual, I speak with Lara about Human Design basics for beginners, crystals and self-mining, astrology, and she explains a little bit about the gene keys too! 🧬 A couple months ago, she read my HD chart and I was blown away by everything that she mentioned ~ definitely many things I’ve taken into consideration as I make changes through this incredibly transformative. Have a listen to hear what she has to share. She gives us such valuable information and great resources to learn more about our own design ⚛️ Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us, Lara! And of course, thank you to Courtney Beck who I had on here a couple episodes ago too for connecting us! 💜 #humandesign #astrology #crystals #selfmining #herkimerdiamond #genekeys #intuition #spirituality #spiritualgrowth #highlyspritual #scorpionewmoon #magick #magic #ownyourmagic #beopen #openyourheart #aura #spiritualthoughts

Om Podcasten

Karina is a he(art)ist, soulprenuer, cosmic translator, tarot interpreter, frequency advocate & certified Zumba instructor, who captures seemingly mundane moments through poetry, art & photographs, and always stops to smell the flowers. Through this podcast, she creates a stage for He(art)ists around the world to share about the unique flavor of art that they're bringing to the world and for us to get a glimpse into their stories.