On Aries-Libra Nodal Axis & Eclipse Portal with TLC, Nola & Kris 🗝

Welcome to another episode of Cosmic He(art)ist, lovely! Thank you for spending your time and energy with us today. I had so much fun recording this with fellow Astrologers and I'm sure it'll bring you some insight on what we're moving through currently. A few things we talk about are emotions and emotional endurance, moving through relationships, and we share a few key moments happening in 2024, which all happen to be coming up in the next couple of months. In July last year, we gathered to speak about the shifting of the nodes from the Taurus-Scorpio, so I decided to invite them on to share their experiences now that we've moved through a couple of eclipses in these archetypes already. May this episode remind you to have love, compassion and Grace for yourself. To connect with them, you may find: Thea: https://www.instagram.com/soulsoiltlc Nola: https://www.instagram.com/plutotarot Kris: https://www.instagram.com/kantokronikels Sending you love, Karina

Om Podcasten

Karina is a he(art)ist, soulprenuer, cosmic translator, tarot interpreter, frequency advocate & certified Zumba instructor, who captures seemingly mundane moments through poetry, art & photographs, and always stops to smell the flowers. Through this podcast, she creates a stage for He(art)ists around the world to share about the unique flavor of art that they're bringing to the world and for us to get a glimpse into their stories.