On romancing our lives and deepening our sexuality through imagination with Erika Lisseth 🌹

Hello beautiful humans and welcome here! Yesterday we had the New Moon in Leo at around 23". In honor of that, I interviewed a radiant, authentic and lovely woman to share some of her magic. If you love everything that she shares here, you can find her on Instagram: @orgasmicfrequency. If you'd rather watch the episode, click here: https://youtu.be/utGN6xZ9uVA Some themes that we dive into: How did Orgasmic Frequency come about? How she recalibrates when things get heavy ~ the beauty of writing the solution rather than the problem The Art of Surrender Holding polarities at the same time Becoming the main character takes practice The magick of Romance Disney and how it has influenced our idea of romance Creating your own fairytale where commitment is the anchor Imagination and the key role it plays in our creative and sexual lives Intimacy & bringing our inner artist into the bedroom Sex and making it an art of your own Did you know that... a woman's clitoris has 8000 nerve endings? & way more. Please leave a comment about how this episode makes you feel, I would love to engage with you! See you on the next one. With love, Karina 🌺

Om Podcasten

Karina is a he(art)ist, soulprenuer, cosmic translator, tarot interpreter, frequency advocate & certified Zumba instructor, who captures seemingly mundane moments through poetry, art & photographs, and always stops to smell the flowers. Through this podcast, she creates a stage for He(art)ists around the world to share about the unique flavor of art that they're bringing to the world and for us to get a glimpse into their stories.