The Akashic Records with Ashley Mondor: Magick & Synchronicities

"And now I know, the Records were my gateway, my portal into trusting myself; into being seen for my gifts, my Spiritual work, and allowing me to be the light for others so that they in turn can ignite their flame."  - Ashley Mondor The Akashic Records & Magick with @ashley.mondor 🧚🏼‍♀️ On this episode of Highly Spiritual, we have someone that’s quickly become one of my favorite people ever ✨ Ashley and I went into the Akashic Records before this chat, so we begin with a really high vibratory state - so much so that I created a new word: “seriousity.” 🤣 We shared about the Akashic Records, connecting with Spirits, being open to Magick and Spirit’s way of communication and so so much more. Such an insightful conversation and as always, so much fun connecting. 🌻 I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as we enjoyed recording it 💫🦋🧿 #akashicrecords #highonlife #spiritualawakening #spirituality #magick #miracles #balance #grounding #empoweredwomenempowerwomen #magickallife #unseen #thinningveil #spiritualworld #5d #5dconsciousness #multidimensional #lightworkersofinstagram #lightworkersunited💕💕💕 #astraltravel #heartovermind #healersneedhealingtoo #expansion #starseed

Om Podcasten

Karina is a he(art)ist, soulprenuer, cosmic translator, tarot interpreter, frequency advocate & certified Zumba instructor, who captures seemingly mundane moments through poetry, art & photographs, and always stops to smell the flowers. Through this podcast, she creates a stage for He(art)ists around the world to share about the unique flavor of art that they're bringing to the world and for us to get a glimpse into their stories.