55 Josh and Abbie Herbert

This week on Couple Things, we talk with Josh and Abbie Herbert. Here are a few of the topics that we cover: how josh and abbie met what happened that made their relationship move quickly early dating stories proposal story abbie’s journey as a model how josh approached his concerns about abbie becoming parents and surrounding yourself with good people getting on the same page about having children as a couple how to approach social media v. reality creating boundaries with social media and your relationship what to with social media and children what is the hardest part about having your career be social media? josh’s career transition best piece of advice for couples Follow their family journey below: Family Youtube Page ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPqR1gumPRaMLhSTlLn5nw Abbie Herbert Instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/abbieherbert_/ Josh Herbert Instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/joshherbert/ Herbert Candles ▶ https://herbertcandle.co/ Related Co: ▶ https://relateco.shop/ Their dog, Nate’s Instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/n8herbert/ If you haven’t yet, please rate Couple Things and subscribe to hear more. Follow us on Instagram to keep the conversation going at https://www.instagram.com/couplething...​ And if you have suggestions/recommendations for the show, send us your ideas in a video format – we might just choose yours! Email us at couplethingspod@gmail.com. We're supported by the following companies that we love! Check them out below: Care/of ▶ For 50% off your first Care/of order, go to https://www.TakeCareOf.com and entercodecouplethings50. Beekeepers ▶ Receive 15% off your first order. Go to https://www.BEEKEEPERSNATURALS.com/EASTFAM or use code EASTFAM at checkout to claim this deal. FAN MAIL ADDRESS: Shawn and Andrew East 750 N San Vicente Blvd., East Tower, 11th Floor, Los Angles, CA 90069 Follow My Instagram ▶ http://www.instagram.com/ShawnJohnson...​ Like the Facebook page! ▶ http://www.facebook.com/ShawnJohnson​​​​​ Follow My Twitter ▶ http://www.twitter.com/ShawnJohnson​​​​​ Snapchat! ▶ @ShawneyJ Follow AndrewsTwitter ▶ http://www.twitter.com/AndrewDEast​​​​​ Follow My Instagram ▶ http://www.instagram.com/AndrewDEast​​​​​ Like the Facebook page! ▶ http://www.facebook.com/AndrewDEast​​​​​ Snapchat! ▶ @AndrewDEast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Former Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson and NFL player Andrew East sit down to share their most vulnerable sides and open up like they never have before. Tune in to hear one of the most celebrated couples on social media walk you through some of their most memorable moments together. Get ready to laugh and cry as you hear some of the most embarrassing and raw stories that have never before been shared. Sign up for early access to BEAM Kids!! ▶ http://Shopbeam.com/BeamKids