Doug + Jamie Otis

Today in episode 39 of Couple Things with Shawn and Andrew, we chat with some new friends of ours, Doug and Jamie Otis. Doug and Jamie are parents, entrepreneurs and hosts of their own podcast, Hot Marriage Cool Parents. It was such a pleasure to talk with these two today about parenting and their journey as a couple. They are both incredibly open and vulnerable during this episode, and we commend them for that. Make sure to tune in to their podcast... you might just hear us on there! If you haven’t yet, please rate Couple Things and subscribe to hear more. And if you have suggestions/recommendations for the show, send us your ideas in a video format – we might just choose yours! Email us at Last but not least, learn more about Doug, Jamie, and all they do at the links below. ––– Jamie's website ▶ Follow @jamienotis on IG ▶ Follow @doughehner on IG ▶ Follow @hotmarriagecoolparents on IG ▶ ––– We’re supported by the following companies we love! Make sure to check them out using our links below. Function Of! Go to for 20% off and to let them know you heard about it from our show. ▶

Om Podcasten

Former Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson and NFL player Andrew East sit down to share their most vulnerable sides and open up like they never have before. Tune in to hear one of the most celebrated couples on social media walk you through some of their most memorable moments together. Get ready to laugh and cry as you hear some of the most embarrassing and raw stories that have never before been shared. Sign up for early access to BEAM Kids!! ▶