monthly check ups

Today in episode 12 of Couple Things with Shawn and Andrew, we walk you through what we do each month with each other - check ups. We think it's really important for a relationship to constantly be checking up and providing a safe space for each other to speak about what they did well that month, and what you think they could work on.  We even give you an example of what one of our monthly check ups looks like.  Now before you go shooting down this idea, we challenge you guys to just give it a try for one month. See if it has an affect on your relationship. We'd love to hear what you guys think of it. 

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Former Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson and NFL player Andrew East sit down to share their most vulnerable sides and open up like they never have before. Tune in to hear one of the most celebrated couples on social media walk you through some of their most memorable moments together. Get ready to laugh and cry as you hear some of the most embarrassing and raw stories that have never before been shared. Sign up for early access to BEAM Kids!! ▶