Talking Gambling with W2Jesus from the Vegas Matt Youtube Channel

This week on the show Cousin Vito (@VitosCasino) chats with W2Jesus (@realW2Jesus) from the Vegas Matt slot channel. Spend almost an hour getting to know W2Jesus, topics include; gambling preferences, favorotie games, biggest wins, worst losses, favorite playces to play, stay, and so much more! Plus, Justin Hapaala stops by to catch us on up on some Foxwoods and Mohgan Sun news and more!  Video reviews of Burger Wars are still being released weekly at Don't forget to visit for more information!  Enjoy some T-Shirts at Chat with me on Facebook in the Everything Foxwoods, Mohegan... Facebook Group at

Om Podcasten

This podcast is for people who enjoy going to the casino. Listen in to learn helpful hints, tips, and tricks to maximizing your fun when wagering. Tune in for stories, advice, and so much more! Whether you like craps, blackjack, roulette, sport wagering, or just like to have a great time at the casino this podcast is for you!