How to Spread Your Message with a Podcast
"We don't make a big deal out of the podcast. It's just like you dropped by the coffee shop and we were sitting there talking." Key Moments 02:03 Global connectivity via podcasting 03:48 Value of dialogue about anxiety, depression, and feedback. 08:23 Using a podcast format best fit for your message 11:06 Solve problems through conversations and new perspectives. 15:25 Podcast bloopers and learning opportunities. 17:27 Celebrating 10 years of support for Creating Disney Magic podcast. Resources The Cockerell Academy About Lee Cockerell Mainstreet Leader How to Spread Your Message with a Podcast We recently celebrated a big milestone for the podcast with the release of our 500th episode. That episode ended up being a live recording so people all over the world could join us, and they did. Despite Jody losing his voice, the event was a success with a lot of questions popping up in the chat. There were quite a few questions about podcasting, so we decided to dedicate this episode to answering them. There have been a lot of topics around leadership, management, and customer service shared over the 10 years of this podcast. Despite not knowing much about a podcast, it didn't take me long to realize that they are a great way to spread your message worldwide. The format we've decided to use, with Jody as the host, has seemed to really help with the conversation and engagement. We haven't had many guests, but when we do they provide great new perspectives. One of the biggest recommendations I have is to keep it authentic and conversational. That is how your audience will connect with you. There have been a few memorable moments such as the episode when I discussed my experience with depression and anxiety. That one really touched a lot of people. Even though we don't really plan our episodes in advance we've not had a bunch of bloopers. The episodes are great conversations that feel like you are walking into a conversation at the coffee shop. I think that is what has made it so successful. This podcast has been great and I have no plans to slow down. At this rate, episode 1000 would be done when I am 90. I love the subjects that come up because it makes me think about the way I handle myself in situations. And when you do this, you learn along the way. It may seem like I am teaching, but I'm also learning. If you have been thinking about starting a podcast, go for it. 500 episodes ago I would not have realized how much it would have helped me spread my message around the world. Thank you for continuing to show up to the podcast. If you want to find the other work we're doing, go to You can also reach us at and You should also reach out to Magical Vacation Planners for help planning your next vacation. They are great supporters of the show and great support for the people they help plan trips for. Reach out to them at 407-442-2694. Until next week, go out and create magic for others.