Let Your Team Know What You've Done For Them

“It’s natural to complain about what we didn't get in life instead of remembering what we have." Key Moments 00:57 Reminding employees of support and solutions provided. 03:29 Showing appreciation through listening and communication. 07:26 Respectfully communicate, record feedback, and communicate back for trust and improvement. 09:40 Opinions matter. Communication is essential for positive morale. 12:56 Cockerell Academy and newsletter Resources The Cockerell Academy About Lee Cockerell Mainstreet Leader Let Your Team Know What You've Done For Them When leaders effectively explain the actions taken to address their teams’ concerns, it leads to greater trust and appreciation. It starts by actively listening to employees' concerns and ideas. By creating a system to record and address their feedback, you build trust and show that their opinions matter. Leaders need to keep employees informed about the actions taken based on their feedback. Whether it's fixing a leaking water fountain or providing more coat hangers, acknowledging, and addressing their needs is crucial. The natural tendency for individuals is to focus on what they didn't receive rather than appreciating what they have been given. This extends to employees, who may remember what their leaders failed to address, rather than recognizing the efforts made on their behalf. It is important to periodically remind employees of the actions taken to address their concerns and improve working conditions. This acknowledgment serves as a powerful form of validation. It shows that their opinions are valued, and their needs are being actively tended to. While leaders may worry about coming across as boastful, communicating your actions isn't about self-promotion. Instead, it's about showing appreciation, building trust, and making employees feel valued. Creating a 'you said, and we listened' newsletter is one way to detail the feedback received from employees and the actions taken to address their concerns. This not only demonstrates transparency but also shows respect for the employees' viewpoints. Leaders are encouraged to explain the reasons behind decisions, whether they pertain to implementing suggestions or facing constraints. This open communication and genuine transparency cultivate a culture of understanding and mutual respect within the workplace. Understanding and empathizing with the employees' experiences is incredibly important as a leader. Seemingly simple requests such as additional coat hangers for housekeepers or functioning equipment holds major importance in the daily operations. By acknowledging and addressing these concerns, leaders communicate their empathy and dedication to ensuring a conducive work environment. The acknowledgment of these efforts communicates a powerful message—leaders recognize and value the vital contributions of every team member. By being present in the operational environment, leaders can better understand the needs and challenges of their teams. Actively engaging with employees not only provides insights into necessary improvements but also signifies the leaders' commitment to truly understanding and addressing the concerns of the team. Make sure to listen to this episode to hear more about the power of acknowledgment and effective communication. Let your team know what you’ve done for them in a way that creates a more inclusive, respectful, and thriving work environment.  One group that will always let you know what they've done for you is Magical Vacation Planners. Let them plan your next vacation and communicate all the ways they are making that dream trip happen. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.

Om Podcasten

Lee Cockerell shares his wisdom and experience from his time as the Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World. Along with host Jody Maberry, Lee discusses how you can apply lessons in leadership, management, and customer service to create magic in your organization.