214: The Murder of Judy Malinowski

Charnell had the privilege of completing a phone interview with Judy's daughter Kaylynn Malinowski to get the real story about Judy's courage, strength and determination. Judy was set on fire and sustained burns over 95% of her body after trying to leave her abusive partner. She lived for nearly two years in order to seek justice for herself and change laws for others. Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon https://www.buymeacoffee.com/crimecurious Music By: Michael Drzewiecki Cover Art By: Charnell  The Fire That Took Her | Official Trailer - YouTube She was burnt alive by the man she loved. Then Judy Malinowski testified at her own murder trial | The IndependentInterview completed with Kaylyn Malinowski 

Om Podcasten

A true crime podcast where two friends journey through true crime cases in a lighthearted and in-depth way. One is a lawyer turned Judge and one is a trained investigator. We give educated details without being boring to listen to. Enjoy!