216: The Ellie Williams Story

Eleanor "Ellie" Williams was a troubled teen and suffers from issues of self harm- but for one town in the UK she makes life hell for a select few with her crimes, lies, racism and attention seeking that changes lives forever. Take a listen to this bizarre criminal case. Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon https://www.buymeacoffee.com/crimecurious  Music By: Michael Drzewiecki  Cover Art By: Charnell Eleanor Williams sentencing - live: 'I am never going to recover,' says victim as woman who told 'pack of lies' about being groomed and abused is sentenced | UK News | Sky News Eleanor Williams: How woman's lies and self-inflicted injuries unleashed hatred and death threats against Asian family | UK News | Sky News Eleanor Williams' family car was 'torched' after mom Alison defended her over false rape claims | MEAWW Who is Eleanor Williams, the woman who lied about being raped? (cosmopolitan.com) How Eleanor Williams’s lies about grooming and abuse unravelled | Crime | The Guardian

Om Podcasten

A true crime podcast where two friends journey through true crime cases in a lighthearted and in-depth way. One is a lawyer turned Judge and one is a trained investigator. We give educated details without being boring to listen to. Enjoy!