218: The Crimes of Conan Wayne Hale
Conan Hale liked to pal around with kids a lot younger than him for the ease of control he had over them. His life of being a habitual offender comes to a sudden stop when he is involved in the murder of three teens in Eugene Oregan in 1995. Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon https://www.buymeacoffee.com/crimecurious Music By: Michael Drzewiecki Cover Art By: Charnell Conan Wayne Hale | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers Conan Hale Oregon Death Row (mycrimelibrary.com) STATE v. HALE (2003) | FindLaw Who’s on Oregon’s death row: 27 men; 2 others held elsewhere - oregonlive.com Conan Wayne Hale Oregon (deathrow2019usa.blogspot.com) US woman, 78, charged with bank robbery for third time | US news | The Guardian