283: Mary Vincent

If you have been a long-time listener you might recognize this case from our very first episode! Today we are bringing you a re-do of the amazing Mary Vincent survival story who was sexually assaulted and brutally mutilated by Larry Singleton. Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon https://www.buymeacoffee.com/crimecurious  Music By: Michael Drzewiecki  Cover Art By: Charnell  Mary Vincent Speaks Out: 'He Destroyed Everything About Me.' - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) Judge sentences Singleton to death for killing prostitute in Tampa - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper The Mad Chopper: How the Justice System Let a Mutilator Free, This Time to Kill: Rosen, Fred: 9781504023108: Amazon.com: Books Los Angeles Times article by Margaret Talev https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-jul-27-me-59877-story.html Mary Vincent - Chilling Crimes Lawrence Singleton : She Was A Job He Couldn't Finish - Monsters (thisismonsters.com) The Amazing Survival Story Of Mary Vincent (ranker.com) Lawrence Singleton, despised rapist, dies / He chopped off teenager's arms in 1978 (sfgate.com) The Case of Lawrence Singleton — Criminally Intrigued https://www.salon.com. http://thefloridamantimes.com.

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A true crime podcast where two friends journey through true crime cases in a lighthearted and in-depth way. One is a lawyer turned Judge and one is a trained investigator. We give educated details without being boring to listen to. Enjoy!