53. Dealing with Disappointment - Bad Experiences in Games

David and Brian discuss their greatest letdowns in video games, what caused them, and how they feel about those experiences today. Connect with CROSSFIRE: linktr.ee/crossfirepodcast Like our Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/CrossFireFai... Join our Facebook group - www.facebook.com/groups/XFUMC Follow us on Instagram - www.instagram.com/crossfirecast/ Follow us on Twitter - twitter.com/churchforgamers Follow and Subscribe on Twitch - www.twitch.tv/crossfirepodcast Donate to our ministry through Patreon - www.patreon.com/churchforgamers Donate to our ministry through our website - crossfirecast.com/contact-us/ Visit our website at www.crossfirecast.com Send us a message on our “Contact Us” page - crossfirecast.com/contact-us/

Om Podcasten

Crossfire is an online faith-based community of gamers. This podcast is a conversation about gaming news and the intersection of faith and gaming.