Episode 16: John Ison

In this Episode  Bryan and Tony sit down with Pastor John Ison from Wynne, Ar. They get his back story and learn of his calling into the ministry. Listen in as we not only hear about spiritual warfare, but it becomes very evident when it shows up during this episode. There were technical difficulties in this recording but no edits were made, enjoy hearing this incredible episode.   This weeks sponsors: Lazzari Italian Oven: (870) 931-4700 Live Oak Realty: (870) 520-2522 or www.listwithliveoak.com Jonesboro Cycle and ATV: (870) 935-2887 or www.jonesborocycle.com The Drifted Drum Company: www.thedrifteddrum.com Use Promo Code: Crucial at check out for 10% off PLUS receive a FREE companion journal with purchase of the book, "No mess, No message"

Om Podcasten

The Crucial Conversation exists to have discussions that need to be heard. In our time and culture many topics have become taboo which has bled over into the church. This Podcast gives a voice to those who have experiences that need to be shared and speaks honestly about the questions many have. Topics such as personal growth, mental/physical/spiritual health, overcoming the unforeseen, and how to lead and teach a generation that is growing further from Christian principles are regular points of conversation. For whatever crucial situation you face, there is a conversation for you here.