Episode 49: 1 Year Anniversary Show

Wow. It's been a year already! In this episode we go back and visit with some guests that made the first year of The Crucial Conversation a successful one. It's been quite a journey from Episode 1, and we can't wait to bring you another year. Thanks for being the best part of this podcast! 59,300 Listeners. 50 states for listeners, 98 Countries, 7 Provinces, 50 interviewed guests, 6 states traveled to, 48 stories, and 1 year later. Thank you to all of those who have listened, and thank you to our sponsors for making it possible.  

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The Crucial Conversation exists to have discussions that need to be heard. In our time and culture many topics have become taboo which has bled over into the church. This Podcast gives a voice to those who have experiences that need to be shared and speaks honestly about the questions many have. Topics such as personal growth, mental/physical/spiritual health, overcoming the unforeseen, and how to lead and teach a generation that is growing further from Christian principles are regular points of conversation. For whatever crucial situation you face, there is a conversation for you here.