Three Tales of Rogue Developers

History lesson in the knowledge session. In a session back in January 2019, we took the then recent coinmetrics blog about inconsistencies in the Bitcoin Private monetary supply ( as an opportunity to review that and two more prior hacks. The origin story of Monero ( and the hack of Cryptsy (since the original source is now down, here's the internet wayback machine archived version: What all three incidents had in common is that actions of individual developers got by far not the scrutiny that they should have prior to being entrusted with projects and having their code deployed in production systems. It's a lesson in recent history and a call to caution.

Om Podcasten

The Crypto Finance Knowledge Session podcast came about our team came together over lunch and spontaneous interdisciplinary discussions that came up often brought additional insights that make this topic fun. Want to hear a specific topic? Please let us know and we'll try to make it happen. Crypto Finance AG facilitates the implementation of blockchain technology by providing high-quality financial services for professional investors in crypto assets, including asset management, brokerage, and storage infrastructure solutions.