How Extreme is the US 10-yr Bond Yield?

Porkopolis Economics: Episode 97 Donations to Porkopolis Economics via BTCPay are appreciated: Porkopolis Economics covers macroeconomics, money, and sports from the creator of the Crypto Voices podcast, Matthew Mezinskis. Today, we review the United States 10-year Government Bond Yield, also known as the 10 Year Note. A History of Interest Rates, Fourth Edition (Wiley Finance) by Sydney Homer: Contents 00:10 Understanding the Bond Yield 02:20 Outside Sources - Good Read 03:08 Mean Over the Last 60 Years 03:32 One Sigma Down | Up 04:54 Two Sigma Down | Up 06:33 Looking at the Extremes 07:28 Closing Thoughts Host: Matthew Mezinskis Show content is not investment or financial advice in any way.

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