Mission Type Orders

Today's lesson:The 21st century requires Mission-type or mission-command ordersKey Points:Mission-type orders include a clear statement of the superior commander's intent and state each unit's tasks in terms of operational effects to be achieved rather than specific commands. A mission-type order only works when your junior officers have the capability to do the job, including the critical and strategic thinking capability. If they don’t, the mission-type order is more dangerous than a static “command order.” The whole concept rests on the ability of the junior leaders to interpret and respond to changing conditions. Let’s understand that a mission-type order is a very different form of delegation. You are mandating the outcome and delegating the tactics. Today's key action:Next time you assign a task, consider “Mission-type Orders”. Describe the what, delegate the how.

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[Previously Culture by Design] The leader is the #1 factor in determining organizational success. If you want to become an effective leader, you have three objectives: First, learn to lead yourself. Then, learn how to unlock the full potential of your team. Finally, build a business where culture is your competitive advantage and innovation is the status quo.