Brian Elliott - Unlocking Productivity at Work

So, here’s an interesting question: What does it take to actually build teams that are highly effective in this brave new world of work? And what's the relationship between making work better for people and the outcomes that organizations can achieve? Unlocking productivity is just a piece of the conversation that we dive into in today’s rich exploration with Brian Elliott. You can follow Brian on LinkedIn You can find the transcript of our conversation HERE. Click here to learn more about the 👉  CultureBrained®– a one-of-a-kind virtual community for Heads of Culture, founders, and leaders who want to up their culture game. Check out more of our free resources 👉 HERE.

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This podcast helps you turn your company culture into rocket fuel for meaningful growth. It explores how we can make work synonymous with fun, meaning, and belonging and looks at how we can build remarkable cultures that scale as our businesses grow and the world keeps on changing.