Behind-the-scenes of My Legacy Project

Today I am ecstatic to share with you a full episode dedicated to my legacy project, The Neuroencoding Institute. What you may not know about me is, after experiencing setbacks and homelessness as a young adult, my life was turned around by the kind act of a stranger, which set me on a path of self-development and learning to heal my own blocks, and resulted in countless certifications and even a Doctorate in Neuropsychology. When people ask me what my legacy project, the Neuroencoding Institute, is all about, I tell them it’s a fully-resourced, liscencable program including an accumulation of the very best, proprietary methodologies I’ve developed to help people rewire their brains and program themselves to automatically default to their best thinking, feeling, and doing. These proprietary methods have allowed me to help thousands of people across the globe build their most magnificent lives and businesses. And in today's episode, I am sharing a behind-the-scenes look at my legacy project with YOU, in the hopes that it will inspire you to reach your ultimate potential and create a life you love – whatever that looks like!Tune into Episode 46 of Cure For The Common Life to hear more!In this episode you will learn: What Neuroencoding is (2:27) What my background is in (3:47)  How Neuroencoding works (7:18)  How I went from homelessness to coaching others as a peak performance mentor (9:09) How I created the Neuroencoding Institute Method of Coaching (9:57) How Neuroencoding can help you (10:50) What makes The Neuroencoding Institute Program different from other methods of self-development (13:40) What the Neuroencoding Institute Certification can do for you, both personally and professionally (17:10) The 3 things you need to function at a higher level in life and business (19:15) Who the Neuroencoding Institute Certification is for (24:46) How to learn more about getting involved in the Neuroencoding Institute (25:45).Let’s Connect!Connect With Joseph for privacy and opt-out information. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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Cure For The Common Life is a weekly dose of blazing hot topics on exactly how we function and how to use that information to get the very best out of ourselves. This powerful mixture of personal development, psychology fun and actionable strategies will spark your inner Badass and help you go Further Faster. NOW! See for privacy and opt-out information.