CX Goalkeeper & Maurice FitzGerald 2st Half - S1E37 is about NPS strengths, weaknesses & its future
The CX Goalkeeper had a smart discussion with Maurice FitzGerald (second half) Editor in Chief - Content, at OCX cognition. VP Customer Experience HP Software (retired). Former manager of the 23,000-member Net Promoter System (NPS) Forum on LinkedIn. Helping companies to improve customer experience and their methods of developing and implementing business strategy. Achieving this by coaching, speaking, blogging and writing. You will learn:- How to leverage scorecards properly- How to cope with the missing link between customer feedback and corporate strategy- How to structure the reporting line for CX managers- The impact of technology on surveys… and much more Please don’t forget this is the second half of this outstanding friendly match with Maurice.His book suggestions:Ottolenghi Simple A Cookbook; OttolenghiThe ultimate questions; Fred ReichheldAnswering the Ultimate Question: How Net Promoter Can Transform Your Business; R. Owen, L. Brooks How to contact Maurice:- Maurice’s golden nugget:Doing CX research without already knowing that you will get the resources, the people, and the money that you need to implement related improvements is a waste of time. It’s damaging! It gives the impression to customers that you don’t care about their opinion.Thank you, Maurice! #customerexperience #leadership #NPS #cxgoalkeeper #cxstartegy