China's Digital Silk Road

Launched in 2013, China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) strives to improve infrastructure, trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds across more than 80 countries. Its digital dimensions are far-reaching, including fiber optic cables, 5G networks, satellites, and devices that connect to these systems. Please join the CSIS Reconnecting Asia Project for a discussion of these developments and their implications for U.S. economic and strategic interests.

Featuring an expert panel discussion with
Dr. Robert Atkinson
President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Lt. Gen. William Mayville (Ret.)
Former Deputy Commander, U.S. Cyber Command

Emily Rauhala
Staff Writer, The Washington Post
Moderated by
Kate O'Keeffe
Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
Welcoming remarks by
Matthew P. Goodman
Senior Vice President; William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy and Senior Adviser for Asian Economics
With special presentations by

Hirobumi Kayama
Special Advisor, Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry

Jonathan E. Hillman
Senior Fellow, Simon Chair in Political Economy, and Director, Reconnecting Asia Project
This event is made possible by generous support from JETRO NY.

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CSIS looks at how rapidly changing technology and cybersecurity are affecting the world in the twenty-first century. Issues covered include intelligence, surveillance, encryption, privacy, military technology, space, and more. Programs leading the research on this topic include the Technology Policy Program and the International Security Program. Find the latest research from our scholars and CSIS events on this topic below.