#3 Grant Hatch “Being Dad” with stage 4 lung cancer

Grant Hatch is truly inspiring. He has four boys, he is extremely intelligent and has been successfully fighting stage 4 cancer for quite some time. Grant has managed to change his condition’s diagnosis from terminal to chronic by means of various treatments he initiated. This conversation, I was privileged to have with him, in essence is so powerful because Grant truly opens up how he feels like as a Dad of four with cancer but also, because we actually did not focus on the cancer so much. I was very interested in the Grant before and after the diagnosis and Grant shares some amazing insights. To put it lightly, I was blown away by Grant’s positivity, his energy and vibe. Grant feels very strongly about educating the public on cancer and Radon, a radioactive, natural gas that most likely caused Grant’s condition. Please do watch this powerful video here: https://youtu.be/PB3nLBu4urg Note: This recording is about 10 months old upon publishing.

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Philipp Hartmann became a dad of five under two in 13 months. In our first season "Being Dad" we meet unique, inspirational fathers who share their own experiences and stories. DADICATED.COM aims empower men in their vital role as Dads. Our mission is to help facilitating family success. = Also follow us on www.instagram.com/beingdad_official Please do reach out with ideas for awesome Dads you'd like to put forward. = #dads #moms #family #parents #empowerment #dadication #children #fathers #fatherhood #connectedness