Succeeding The Lazy Way

Succeeding The Lazy Way I have an admission to make.  I can be a bit lazy. Yes, I also like to work harder than most people. Still, I'm lazy when doing things I don't want to be doing. It's been said that when you do what you love, you will never work another day. Frankly, I've found it to be quite the opposite. What I do is difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. But I enjoy it. Still, I'm lazy. I want everything to be easy, and I want it now. I'm not different than anybody else. I'm lazy. I'm driven. I'm lazy. I made my point. And if you know me well, you may think I am not that lazy.  Oh yes, I am. While it may take a long time to master the skill required to make things easy for myself, I'm willing to go through the hard work if it allows me to be lazy - eventually. And do you know what the most remarkable thing about being lazy is? Your initial hard work allows you to be lazy and makes what you do look easy to others. It's too bad for those working hard at being lazy, sleeping and binging Netflix when you were working hard to make everything easy — and being lazy. Here's today's life lesson. You can be successful and lazy. Just remember that it comes in that order. Successful, then lazy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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