Reflection 19 - The Lord Accepts You in His Mercy

If you have truly sought out our Divine Lord, then ask Him if He will accept you into His Heart and into His holy Will. Ask Him and listen to Him. If you have surrendered all and offered yourself to Him, He will respond to you telling you that He accepts you. Once you are given to Jesus and accepted by Him, your life will change. Perhaps not in the way you expect it to change, but it will change for the good in a way beyond what you could have hoped for or expected (See Diary #14).Reflect upon three things today: 1) Do you seek Jesus wholeheartedly? 2) Have you asked Jesus to accept your life without reserve by your total surrender? 3) Have you allowed yourself to hear Jesus say to you that He loves and accepts you? Follow these simple steps and let the Lord of Mercy take control of your life.Lord, I do seek You with my whole heart. Help me to find You and to discover Your most holy Will. As I find You Lord, help me also to let You draw me to Your merciful Heart so that I may be totally Yours. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2025 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.Jebulon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy: 365 Days with Saint Faustina. Reflections and prayers inspired by the Diary of Divine Mercy.The Diary of Saint Faustina is a spiritual treasure given to the Church by Jesus Himself through the humble instrumentality of a cloistered nun. It consists of Saint Faustina’s six handwritten notebooks revealing her faith and her daily encounters with our Lord.These short reflections were written to help you discover the spiritual wisdom revealed by Saint Faustina in her Diary. A total of 365 short spiritual reflections will be posted throughout the year for your daily meditation, inspiration and prayer. The written content of these reflections is available to you online at our website. It is also available for purchase in ebook and paperback format.May the Mercy of God transform you each and every day as you continue your journey of personal conversion!