Reflection 30 - Obedience to God

One key to holiness is obedience. Adam and Eve fell from grace by disobedience and we are restored to grace by obedience. Obedience can be hard and requires a deep interior decision. Look for opportunities to be obedient to Jesus, especially when you do not feel like doing so. Those are moments of great grace and conversion (See Diary #28).Work at being humble today. Only through humility will we see the pride that leads to disobedience. Pride leads to an obstinate persistence in our sin and a refusal to be open to God’s abundant Mercy. Reflect upon your humble admission of sin and your willingness to repent of that sin so that you can imitate our Lord and His Blessed Mother in their act of perfect obedience to the Will of the Father in all things.Lord, help me to humble myself before Your Divine Mercy. In that humility, help me to see not only my sin, but also the grace and Mercy You bestow so as to enter into the glorious life of grace You call me to live. May I obey Your perfect commands of love and so be filled with Your Mercy. Jesus, I trust in You. Source of content: www.divinemercy.lifeCopyright © 2025 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.Featured image above: The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise By Benjamin West, via National Gallery of Art

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Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy: 365 Days with Saint Faustina. Reflections and prayers inspired by the Diary of Divine Mercy.The Diary of Saint Faustina is a spiritual treasure given to the Church by Jesus Himself through the humble instrumentality of a cloistered nun. It consists of Saint Faustina’s six handwritten notebooks revealing her faith and her daily encounters with our Lord.These short reflections were written to help you discover the spiritual wisdom revealed by Saint Faustina in her Diary. A total of 365 short spiritual reflections will be posted throughout the year for your daily meditation, inspiration and prayer. The written content of these reflections is available to you online at our website. It is also available for purchase in ebook and paperback format.May the Mercy of God transform you each and every day as you continue your journey of personal conversion!