Episode 23 - Bankers vs Boilers

Labour wants to make the UK a green energy superpower – hear what Dale’s got to say about what’s next in the corridors of power. We take an extended look at the national boiler upgrade program – the £450m scheme that’s failed the same week a handful of bankers have trousered the same amount in bonuses. Dale chats about the new independent regulator in football, and whether a petrochemical baron should be able to buy Man Utd. Ian can’t find tomatoes in Kent, and wonders what ...

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Zerocarbonista is the podcast from green entrepreneur and climate change campaigner, Dale Vince. From building his first windmill in 1996 to taking Forest Green Rovers Football Club vegan in 2015 and becoming a United Nations Ambassador in 2019, Dale Vince has made saving planet his life’s mission.